Reply To: The FX-8 is being replaced by the FX-9

Home Forums Current Products & New Products The FX-8 is being replaced by the FX-9 Reply To: The FX-8 is being replaced by the FX-9

Teresa Lang

Hello Mitchell!

Tom (Viper Products) will have a demo room to him self almost all day Friday, there he will inform us about everything new, do demonstrations and let us test and try new products! I will publish a list of all new products presented by Viper before convention. A few highlights include the new Polycryl color system, the Flock Pro velour puffer and the new Pro Air cordless airbrush!

As far as vinyl/leather repair products go I’m sure we’ll see a wide variety of new and improved products. Not only by Viper but also by Dura Mend (the company that makes the Deep Leather Flex Fill). Nanoskin and SEM will also have Leather/Vinyl re-condition and dye products.

Less than a month to go, yipiii! Hopefully we get the schedule with a description of products and demonstrations to be presented published by next week…

Looking forward to seeing you!
– Teresa